
She got her first degree at age 35! Here’s a beautiful story of Eunice Ireri

Meet the beautiful lady, Eunice Ireri, who got her first degree at age 35.
She writes:
“Yes! I was once called illiterate because I lacked a degree. I still remember sitting at the counsellor’s office for hours crying. I could not utter a word. It was a painful series of counselling sessions. I forgave the engineers who run that project because of thinking about it. They had missed the road to their battlefield.
They did not know the behind the scenes story of my low grades in form 4 that could not get me to the University, the struggle my parents had to educate us, they did not know the system of progressing from a certificate to diploma to degree, they did not know the struggle of the many businesses I had started that failed miserably looking for school fees, they did not know the sacrifice of allowing your siblings to complete basic education first, they did not know the pain of getting enrolled in the wrong course and having to complete it.
To them my failure at not having a degree was clear. Illiteracy.
What I am telling you is, At the right time, God will order your steps. You are not late. At 35 years I sat patiently at the UON graduation square and received my first degree. Wipe those tears, I already cried on your behalf. Let no one bully you because of your education level.”
Here’s Ireri’s education profile according to her LinkedIn:
Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep pushing and working for it.

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