
UPDATED List of MediaMax Network Limited Shareholders

Who is the current owner Of Mediamax Networks Limited, K24 TV in Kenya 2021 2022?

Currently, there are over 30 TV Stations in the Kenya multimedia industry. Also, most TV stations in Kenya belong to political leaders and powerful people in Kenya. In this article, we shall enlighten you on who owns or is the current owner of K24 TV in Kenya 2021 2022.

Who Owns Mediamax Network Kenya? And K24 TV Kenya 2021 2022?

First of all, K24 TV Kenya was established in the year 2007. Later, it started its operations on February 4th, 2008. K24 TV is an affiliate of Mediamax Networks Limited that is largely owned by William Ruto and other Mediamax shareholders.

Other media channels under Mediamax Network include;

  • Kameme FM,
  • Mayian FM,
  • Emoo Fm,
  • Meru FM, and
  • Msenangu FM.

On the other hand, K24 TV was the first Kenyan TV station to stream live on the internet for 24 hours. As a result, K24 gained massive popularity especially from Kenyans abroad who wanted to catch up with Kenya’s happenings.

Founder of K24 TV Kenya

First, Rose Kimotho was the founder of the K24 TV station. However, a year later after the launch, Rose Kimotho transferred its ownership to TV Africa Holdings. According to the reports, Kimotho sold K24 because of the high expenses incurred in operating a TV station. Certainly, TV Africa Holdings is closely linked to the Kenyatta Family. Hence, the firm poached the best Journalists from different TV stations such as Franklin Wambugu, Tom Mboya, and Belinda Obura. Even more, K24 TV rebranded its logo outlook, staff, and other main features on its website.

At this point, K24 TV was fully managed by Mediamax Networks Limited that is an affiliate of TV Africa Holdings. As Mediamax continued to thrive, the firm developed 2 radio stations namely Milele FM, and Meru FM in 2012. Furthermore, they managed to buy The People Daily newspaper, previously owned by Kenneth Matiba. This prompted Mediamax to start distributing the newspaper for free to gain more popularity. Now, people have been asking us these questions: Is Ruto the owner of k24, k24 Kenya Ownership, but buys k24.

Who is the current owner Of K24 TV Kenya 2021 2022?

Deputy President William Ruto is the current owner and greatest shareholder of Mediamax Networks Limited right now. This is after upping his shares from 50% to 67% making him top in the Mediamax shareholders list 2020-2021.

In other words, Deputy President William Ruto is the person who greatly owns K24 and Mediamax Network Limited as of 2021 2022. Hence, that makes him the current owner of K24 TV Kenya from the year 2019 to 2022.

Mediamax Shareholders

Some of the Mediamax Shareholders include:

  • the Kenyatta’s Family,
  • Equity Bank CEO James Mwangi (12%),
  • a group of Central Kenya investors, and
  • Deputy President Dr William Ruto (67%).

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