Love stories

A Kenyan Lady Reveals How She Used SPIRITUAL Healing Methods To Win Her LOVER Back

My good people, how far would you go to win back your lover?

Well, a Kenyan woman, decided to seek help from some traditional herbalists and spiritual healers to keep a man who wanted to be with another woman.

The lady jotted down a letter, revealing that she had could not live without the man and was too heartbroken when she realized he was interested in another woman.

The lady gives details of how a spell helped restore the relationship with the man who was completely unaware of the happening, using sweetening candles.

In no time, the lady, who had broken up with the man just after a month, reconciled with her lover, after he begged her to take him back, as the spell forced him to ask for forgiveness and admit he wasnt going to live with the other woman in another country.

Check out the letter below, truly spooky.

“I was in love with someone who wanted someone else. He and I were in a prior relationship in the past. But, in less than a month, things ended quickly, dramatically and hostile between my ex and his new girlfriend. This happened in August 2015. Months later, my ex still pined for his girlfriend even though they were broken up. I was not speaking to my ex at all at this time. I distanced myself from him and he did the same to me. I wanted him to reach out to me – not me reaching out to him. I also didn’t want him to still pursue this girl and not move away from the area we both lived in. I consulted Dr. Mugwenu, who had a discord spell done, which broke the two up, then I had a sweetening candle performed so that my ex would open up to me. This happened in November 2015. I never contacted my ex since our own personal blow out. Come December 2015, he sent me text messages \ stating why he picked that woman and why he didn’t think it would work between us.

 I ignored it. I was learning my sense of self worth and not to take crap from people that don’t see my worth. Then in February 2016, my ex contacted me again. I ignored. I was worried that he would move back to where the girl he pined for and I would lose him living in the area where I was. The girl he pined for lived in another country so I was concerned he would move there. So I had a blocking spell performed. Then in March 2016 my ex reached out to me several times, apologizing for his crappy behavior and also saying how much he respected me as a person. In April 2016, he tried calling me and we reconnected as friends. We have been hanging out as friends almost every other day (he always initiates the hang out) and he texts/calls me daily. He has opened up his feelings about himself, why he chose this girl and how she was wrong, and more. I have become his confidant.” Men and women alike are struggling to keep relationships together what with the increasing nature of break ups, and the messages telling them that they have options despite the challenges they’re facing. This is just one of the many ladies who go out of their way to find alternative means of resolving their relationship disputes when they feel that all else is not working. 

 How To Win Back Your Ex

Have you ever lost the love of your life and wished you could get them back? Have you tried everything to make them forgive you and give you another chance, but nothing worked? Well, don’t lose hope yet, because there is a solution that might help you: Mugwenu Doctors Love Spells.

Mugwenu Doctors are a team of experienced and trusted healers who specialize in casting powerful and effective love spells. They have helped thousands of people to reunite with their exes, even after years of separation and bitterness. They can help you too, if you follow their instructions and have faith in their abilities.

Mugwenu Doctors say that love spells work by influencing the thoughts and feelings of your ex, making them remember the good times you shared and the reasons why they fell in love with you in the first place. They also say that love spells can remove any obstacles or interferences that might be preventing your ex from coming back to you, such as rivals, family, friends, or distance.

Mugwenu Doctors offer different types of love spells, depending on your situation and your desired outcome. Some of the most common types are:

– Return lover spell: This spell is designed to make your ex miss you and contact you, expressing their desire to reconcile and start over.

– Binding spell: This spell is designed to make your ex commit to you and stay loyal and faithful to you, no matter what.

– Marriage spell: This spell is designed to make your ex propose to you and marry you, fulfilling your dreams of a happy and lasting union.

– Passion spell: This spell is designed to make your ex crave you and desire you sexually, making your relationship more exciting and satisfying.

Mugwenu Doctors say that anyone can use a love spell, as long as they have a genuine and sincere love for their ex, and not a selfish or harmful motive. They also say that they make each spell according to the specific needs and wishes of the client, using natural materials and herbs. They also say that they perform rituals and prayers to activate and bless the spell, before sending it to the client.

Mugwenu Doctors warn that love spells are not toys or games, but serious and sacred matters that should be treated with respect and caution.

They say that the client should always follow the instructions and guidelines that they provide, and never misuse or abuse the spell. They also say that the client should never cast a spell on someone who is already in a happy and committed relationship, as it might cause negative consequences.

If you are interested in getting a love spell from Mugwenu Doctors, you can contact them through their website, email, or phone number. They will be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you might have. They will also offer you a free consultation and a money-back guarantee, if you are not satisfied with the results.

Contact herbalist Dr. Mugwenu.

He also solves life problems: love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, i.e. winning lottery games and court cases, promotion at work, clears away devilish spirits and dreams.

For consultation call: +254 740 637 248

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