Elsa Majimbo, a Kenyan comedian and content creator living in the US, has stated that she wants to educate young girls in her country and serve as a resource for improving people’s lives.
“I’m going to take Kenyan girls to school and be a source for giving people better lives. Amen! From my mouth to God’s ears,” Elsa Majimbo stated noting she would use the available resources since she does not believe in hoarding money.
Alongside other causes like high levels of poverty and a vast wealth gap between the poor and the ultra-rich, the major causes of school dropout among Kenyan girls are the high rate of teenage pregnancies and early marriages.
As of 2019, Kenya had the third highest teen pregnancy rate in the world at 82 births per 1,000 births with approximately 25% of Kenyan women giving birth by the age of 18 and nearly 50% by the age of 20.

In July 2023, Elsa Majimbo revealed her philanthropic side as she emptied her bank accounts for a noble cause.
Majimbo, speaking in a video posted on social media, said she couldn’t justify earning $500,000/Ksh69 million when other people were struggling to make ends meet.
The 22-year-old said she instructed her managed, about two years ago, to drain her bank accounts and give the money to the people who needed it more.
“About a year ago, I would say a little over a year ago, I asked my manager and my business manager to drain all the money in my bank account and give it to people who needed it more than I did. My reasoning was as a 20-year-old I couldn’t justify earning half a million dollars (it’s on Forbes this is public information) I couldn’t justify that, I just didn’t need that kind of money to support my lifestyle,” Majimbo said.
“And don’t get me wrong, I do not deprive myself of luxuries. I fly first class, I like a nice Gucci bag, I love all that but still, there is more left. And if I have been- so blessed why not bless other people? And you know when I came to this decision they were telling me like ‘you’ve earned it, you are so talented, you are so deserving’ but other people are talented too why aren’t they in my position? Other people are deserving too to be in the position I am today,” she added.
Elsa Majimbo further stressed that she still yearned to make more money after draining her accounts for the noble cause.
“Am I grateful for what I earned? Yes. Do I love what I earn? Yes. Do I want to continue earning what I earn and more? Are you joking? Absolutely. But I have more and I will always have more and I want my blessings to bless other people because I am deserving but so is everyone else,” she said.
The vicenarian noted that she gave back to the less privileged because her life was also made much better by other people.
“I am so grateful for everything I have guys, every single day I wake up and I thank God for everything I have. I have been so blessed wow. I have been so incredibly blessed and I want my blessings to bless other people and I hope and pray that is something I stick by until the day I die – making someone’s life a little bit better because mine was made so much better,” she said.