Recently, Pastor T. Mwangi, the Lead Minister of Life Church Limuru & The Gathering of Champions, described his life prior to being saved and recalled a Christmas in which he left home to go to the club.
“I went to a club and the first thing that happened was a fight, a bottle of alcohol was thrown, ikanipita ikagonga ukuta and the whole club went quiet. How that bottle missed me is only God who can explain.”
“And on that Christmas, I was high and drunk and slept with a lady. Later, we burried that lady with HIV.”
“I began to date another lady and the same thing again. I was told that lady was dating a sugar daddy and he was sick and we burried that man.”
“Mwenye ataingiza dem flani box anampeleka Valentines,” he recalled playing with his boys on Valentine’s Day the following year.

It was when he emerged victorious in the game that he realized he was HIV/AIDS negative. He claimed that the Lord had kept him safe.
“We went to a VCT, I turned out negative by the Grace of God. How The Lord preserved me, I don’t know.”
Pastor t Mwangi on dowry payment
Pastor T has explained why he did not conform to dowry payment demands for his wife.
In an interview with a local TV station, he equated paying dowry with buying a woman who is going to be in your house.

The youth pastor further described his daughter as priceless, stating that there cannot be negotiations on her worth. “I have a daughter, and I cannot sell her,” he said.
When asked how he navigated the customary dowry payments for his wife with the in-laws, Anthony disassociated himself from this practice.
“I told them the value of my wife is the blood of Jesus and that blood cannot be compared to anything.”
His wife’s parents tried to bring the elders on board for negotiations to no avail. According to Pastor T, all he did was appreciate his wife’s parents.
“Honour is communication that you are capable and able to take care of their child. But do not introduce the negotiation, ni kama unanunua,” he said.