
“Hata hana underwear” – Pastor Ng’ang’a attacks Kanyari over indecent TikTok content

Prophet Victor Kanyari has come under fire from Pastor James Ng’ang’a due to his recent contentious online behavior, which sparked outrage from the public.

The preacher said he left TikTok because of rude people during a sermon at his Neno Evangelism church.

“I left TikTok after seeing the rubbish from these creatures. Why didn’t these preachers die?”

He continued:

“I preached in his area when I came to Nairobi, he was in Kawangware, and until now, he’s still there without a church… If you’re not done with the earthly things, stay there, don’t mix these two things.”

Pastor Nganga
Pastor Nganga

Pastor Ng’ang’a also stated that the preacher hasn’t progressed beyond what he publicly displays.

“All these years and he doesn’t even have a church, just the one in Kamulu, Mkuru area. I left him there, and he is still stagnant there. Hata hana underwear,” he concluded.


♬ original sound – Larry Media

Pastor Ng’ang’a addresses Benny Hinn’s false prophecies

Neno Evangelism’s Pastor James Ng’ang’a has addressed his recent interaction with world-renowned evangelist, Benny Hinn, after he apologised for giving false prophecies during his evangelistic meetings.

In an interview with Nairobi News, Pastor Ng’ang’a noted that it is possible for any long-serving man of God to encounter such challenges.

Ng’ang’a said bluntly:

“He (Benny Hinn) is in his 70s and has been preaching for 50 years, so he may be missing some anointing. The anointing of God does not increase with age; it decreases so that it can be passed on to younger people. At his age, he should retire from certain church activities. Even though we’re the same age, he’s been preaching longer than I have.

He should now be guiding others, advising them on the right path, sharing his experiences and pointing out what to avoid.

Benny Hinn visited Kenya in March 2024 and his healing event was attended by prominent figures in the government, including President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto.

Ng’ang’a, who attended the event, noted that Benny Hinn seemed to struggle during the ministry.

“When he was in the country (Kenya), I noticed that he had a hard time delivering his message. Even the bishops who ministered that day stopped answering my calls. They were my friends, but now they no longer pick up the phone after I openly said that Benny Hinn was struggling. This is normal and is why Benny Hinn recently apologised and admitted that some of his statements were not from God”.

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