When it comes to relationships, comedian Kendrick Oyando aka Mulamwa seems to be failing. But if there’s an area where we need to give him 100/100, it is businesses and investments.
Despite his troubled love life and comedy career, Mulamwa has been making boss moves since he came to the limelight.

When he appeared in an interview with Churchil Show, Mulamwah revealed how his investment is bringing him money while also assisting unemployed youth in his rural community.
Boda boda
Mulamwa said that so far he has invested in 15 bodabodas in Trans Nzioia and is also expecting more soon.
“There are so many in Trans Nzoia but they are keeping the youth busy and away from crime.
“Right now I have 15 but I have ordered two more. I used to hang out with some friends who are unemployed and I decided to give them boda bodas so we can both help each other. In Kitale bodaboda earn about Sh300 per day.”

According to him, this equates to about Sh4,500 per day or Sh135,000 per month with 15 motorcycles.
Mulamwah can use the money to help his siblings pay for school, his grandmother, and other aspiring comedians.
He plans to branch out from Boda Boda into other industries, one of which is the hospitality industry. He revealed that he would team up with a Japanese buddy named Koki Konaya, who operates a small restaurant chain in Nairobi.
He also said that he plans to launch an entertainment label to support up-and-coming naturalists.
Some months ago, Mulamwa expressed his excitement as he celebrated his new win, after buying land.
Immediately after buying land, he started building his first mansion which is coming up at the moment.
The comedian shared a short clip capturing a lorry delivering building materials at his piece of land, with an encouragement for young people to take it step-by-step on their goals.
“Steps, God is great. Focus young kings; ipo siku (a day will come),” shared Mulamwah.

Record Label
5 months ago, Mulamwa started his own Record Label, called Mulamwa ENT.
He is the CEO of the firm and has signed a number of artists, including Vall Wambo and Ruth.

Mulamwa’s motivation
Mulamwa’s message to the youth:
“When I started hakuna mtu alikuwa anabelieve (no one believed in me). “Watu watakutusi lakini ” (People will discourage you but) don’t listen to people just set your mind right and go for it. Don’t listen to what people are saying, don’t compete with anybody, move with your pace.
The little money you get; save and invest because you don’t know when you will get money next… So don’t waste the money, wacha na raha hasizaidii (a lot of fun doesn’t help) just invest.”
“Money comes in very slowly but goes really quickly. So when you get cash, always assume it
is the last you will ever get and manage it well,” he advised
With his investments, Mulamwa has joined a list of entertainers who have ventured into entrepreneurship from the entertainment industry including Jalango, Akothee, Timmy, Obinna among the rest.
Mulamwa is on record advising his fellow comedians to invest when they are in their prime because you never know what tomorrow holds. Online content is dynamic and keeps on changing.
Today you are the fan favorite but tomorrow another person with better content will arise and nobody will listen to you which means you have lost your only sense of livelihood.
Mulamwa’s net worth
With all he has accomplished in such a short time, the comedian, who also works as a medical nurse, appears to be bound for greatness in his field.
Mulamwah recently said in an interview with BTG that he is worth around KSh 4 million.