Akuku Danger, a renowned comedian, shares a story of escaping a potentially violent confrontation with a man’s girlfriend after spending a night with a’mumamaz’ in Kilimani, citing divine intervention for his safety.
“Kitambo nikiwa campus. Nilikuwa napiga shughuli moja mbili pale. So siku mjoa after kupiga show yangu pale Carnivore nikaona mwana dada mmoja hivi akaniambia young man I love your show Akaniambia niingie kwa gari anidop. Hiyo time bado nilikuwa mtu wa mguu. Nikasema why not? Nikaingia kwa gari teketeke,” he said.
After a performance at Carnivore, she invited him into her Mercedes, and he accepted the invitation, unaware of the events that would unfold.
“Alikuwa anaendesha Mercedez. Sikuwa najua kuna wamama Nairobi. Kidogo akaconfuse kijana, nikaona pesa sijawahi ona in my life. Ukinagalia paja yake pia ni thao. Akaniuliza where I study nikamwambia.
“Akaniambia nipick 20,000K nikaingiza kwa mfuko. Kufika Lang’ata hapo kwa barabara nikangoja gari za rongai laikini magari zilikuwa zimejaa. Akaniambia tuwende kwake Kilimani for the night alafu niende kwangu asubuhi,” he said.

The allure of the woman’s wealth and beauty was overwhelming, leading Akuku Danger to agree to accompany her to her residence in Kilimani for the night.
Upon arrival at her home, the woman made Akuku Danger feel welcome, and they eventually retired for the night.
Tukafika kwa nyumba. She told me to feel free at home. Ikafika wakati wa kulala aakuliza can I join you or would you like to join me? She joined me and everything happened.
However, their intimate moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. Sensing trouble, the woman instructed Akuku Danger to pretend to be asleep while she dealt with the unexpected visitor.
As Akuku Danger listened from the safety of the bedroom, the woman deceitfully claimed that her guest was merely a friend.

When the angry man entered the room, Akuku Danger managed to defuse the situation by pretending to be a harmless acquaintance.
Despite the man’s suspicions, he ultimately decided that Akuku Danger posed no threat due to his youthfulness.
“Kidogo kidogo mtu akagonga mlango… Before tufungue akaniambia niave nguo alafu nijifanye nimelala. Nikaskia anaambia huyo jamaa she has a firned of her over. Huyo jamaa akakuja kwa room nilikuwaakafungua light . Nikatoa macho nje nikamsalimia nikamdanganya she’s a friedn of mine. Nakuambia ni Mungu tu alinitoa kwa hiyo situation. Huyo jamaa alikasisrika lakini aliona mi ni mdogo sana akaona hakuna kitu,” he said.
Reflecting on the incident, Akuku Danger expressed gratitude to a higher power for guiding him safely through the potentially dangerous encounter.