There was drama in Nyeri town on Thursday, July 27, 2023, after police officers broke into a business premise on suspicion that the business owner had committed suicide only to discover a decomposing carcass of a cat inside the house.
Locals had alerted the police of a suspected suicide case after concerns over a foul smell emanating from the room.
The owner of the shop had not opened the business for a week and flies were all over the place raising concerns about the businesswoman’s whereabouts.
Police officers responded and sealed the shop before breaking the door, only to discover a carcass of the cat.
Curious onlookers who had gathered at the scene had a sigh of relief as well as amusement after they discovered that it was just a cat whose life had been cut short.
Some of the residents who spoke to the media said they had gathered at the scene on feats that the worst had befallen one of their own.
“We were afraid that the shop owner could have committed suicide as we had not sited her for an entire week and when the foul smell became unbearable we feared something bad had happened,” a neighbour said.
Interestingly, when the owner of the shop was contacted, she said that she was in Mombasa. It’s not clear what happened to the cat.
Police carried the carcass of the cat to an unknown destination as residents returned to their place of work.