
Willis Raburu: How I lost 40Kgs in new body transformation

Willis Raburu, a Citizen TV broadcaster, recently turned to Instagram to offer an encouraging update on his weight loss journey, one year after undergoing gastric bypass surgery.

Raburu told up about his early challenges, low self-confidence, and the physical and emotional toll that obesity had on his life in his post.

He underlined the necessity of investing in oneself as well as the need for a greater discussion about the advantages of gastric bypass surgery.

“I remember when I thought about doing the gastric bypass surgery. It was intense, but I was suffering. My confidence was low, my pressure was high, I had tried the gym but kept bouncing back, and honestly, the cost will make you think twice. BUT I learned that it’s an investment in myself,” Raburu stated.

The television presenter highlighted the life-changing effects of the surgery and called for a shift in insurance policies to cover such procedures.

“I wish insurance companies change their policy and help pay for this. Many should come out and help people get this surgery done. It’s life-changing!” he expressed.

Raburu noted the growing concern about childhood obesity and urged society to keep the conversation going and educate themselves on the subject.

He highlighted the significance of awareness and comprehension.

Raburu also warned his followers in his article of the bogus claims of quick remedies, such as weight loss drinks and pills. He warned them not to be duped by deceptive marketing.

“Please, I did the GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY. Don’t be fooled by some ads about black latte tea or some powder!” he noted.

Willis has lost 40kgs after getting the operation, which has resulted in a massive metamorphosis.

Before deciding on surgery, Raburu explained that his body had developed a habit of losing weight and then gaining it again, forcing him to seek a more permanent and less effort option.

Other local celebrities who have undergone weight-loss treatments include actress Catherine Kamau Cate, actor Jackie Matubia, and Joan Murugi Munyi, co-host of the renowned TMI podcast.

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