Why you’ll be arrested on the spot this festive season – IG Mutyambai

IG Mutyambai’s orders traffic police to implement directive from today

Police boss Hillary Mutyambai. Photo/courtesy

Passengers carried as excess will be arrested on the spot, Inspector General Hillary Mutyambai has ordered.

IG Mutyambai noted that the driver and conductor of the PSV with excess passengers will not be held responsible for the traffic violation this festive season.

“I’d like to warn passengers that during this festive season and even afterwards, any excess [passengers] in a PSV will be dealt with as an individual. If you are found at any of the police roadblocks as an excess passenger in a matatu or PSV we will remove you. It does not matter at which point [of your journey] and the vehicle will be allowed to proceed with seated passengers. Responsibility rests on the passenger.

Inspector General Hillary Mutyambai orders immediate arrest of any passenger carried as excess in a PSV
Photo of passengers

“I have issued this order to all police officers manning traffic to take action immediately. Passengers should be careful, never blame the driver or conductor saying that they pushed you into the vehicle,” the IG stated.

Road Safety during festive season

The police boss also added that some drivers will have their licences revoked if found flouting the traffic rules.

“Random stops along major highways shall be conducted during the day and night to verify validity of their DLs, speed checks, use of seat belts, overloading, freewheeling among other issues. Any driver found flouting rules shall have their DL suspended and be required to undergo mandatory driver retest,” IG Mutyambai ordered.

National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) will also be on patrol to ensure vehicles are compliant with the traffic regulations.


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