Kenyan renowned content creator, Naomi Kuria has revealed how she received Christ hours after losing her father.
In a lengthy post, the comedian said that she had reached a point of committing suicide when her father came to rescue her.
“Exactly a month ago, a day like today 9th October was on a Sunday, I went to see my dad after talking so much over the phone because i was not okey.
“From september 24th i started experiencing anxiety and panic attacks which at that time i didn’t know what was happening to me.
“This became chronic and one day i woke up feeling hopeless, helpless defeated and suddenly i got suicidal i just wanted to die,” Kuria wrote.
Kuria said that she told his father of how she was feeling guilty and condemned by the devil because she had made up her mind to change her ways and follow Jesus.
“The enemy could whisper to me that i cannot be born again because of the sins i had done and i will always be a slave to them.
“My dad really sympathised with me and he felt so sorry that the devil had found a chance to toment me with his lies… he told me that everything the devil says is a lie, and any other time the enemy would ever accuse me, i rise and tell him that accuesed is the one on the cross not me.
“He then prayed for me and ursherd me to salvation. I felt loved i felt strong and whole again. I beheld the God of my father since that day and forever more.
Thank you dad for giving me christ. Am not alone. I will love you till eternity. More so i will love and honour God that you loved so much. Rest well Dad till we meet again,” the comedian wrote.