Attractiveness is identified as the amount of items in a person that others fall in love with. Being attractive can be physical, talk of physical things like hair look, shape of the body, excellent make up, the shoe game of a person and many more.
Jackie Matubia is excellent in all the above levels of beauty. Her hairdo is always in a perfect condition, her wardrobe is also always on top. Her shoe game is also fantastic and her make is always awesome.
Not forgetting her great body looks. This is what draws the attention of many Kenyans.
Jakie Matubia’s film on her Instagram and Facebook accounts seemed to be the best thing she had done today.
So after few weeks since giving birth, Jackie shared ‘almost-naked’ photos on her instagram and Kenyans could not not keep calm.
Netizens attested that her level of attractiveness was on point.
Here are some of the reactions: