Comedy duo Celestine Ndinda and Timothy Kimani, also known as Njugush and Wakavinye, performed in Swindon, United Kingdom.
The couple’s Through Thick and Thin (TTNT 4) act, which they perform every year, was a big success over the weekend.
Thanks to everyone who supported them, Njugush shared highlights from the performance.
Sharing on social media, they both thanked God for giving them success and their fans for the support.
“God Ni Msoo !!!!!!! Jana was a movie. Thank you to all of you who wish us well.
“U.K. you have set the pace for TTNT 4. Thank you for showing up aki, The love was REAL
“Thank you @risiihinvestments for making this HAPPEN Thank you @blesskilundah for @blessentertainmentuk,” Njugush said in a joint post.
On the other hand, Wakaviney wrote; “#TTNT4 Uk was a success!! Kaa huyu sio God sijui aki😭🥲,”
Kenyans joined the conversation, congratulating the couple on the new milestone.
This was Njugush and Wakavinye’s first international show and they also got to visit Manchester United’s Old Trafford Stadium.
Here are some reactions from Kenyans;
abelmutua Mambo inafaa kuwa hivi Sasa. Kazi safi sana Wangwana. Kaende sana!!!
eddiebutita Ndio hii sasa babaaa ndio hii, pure Greatness Proud of you 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
judynyawira Well done Tim & Cele! 🥳🥳🥳
bencyco International levels, we are so proud Fam. Keep wining like this👏🔥 @blessednjugush
jahmbykoikai Congratulations to you both na mzidi hivo hivo❤️❤️🙌🙌🙌. God’s blessings always.
kansiime256_ 👏👏👏Well done
wanjiru_njiru Congratulations guys!!! This is amazing❤️
mojishortbabaa International manenoz🔥🙌 congratulations!!