Diana Marua has landed a new position as the host of the third season of the well-known dating program Hello Mr. Right.
Along with the comedian Dr. Ofweneke and the marriage counselor Getrude Mungai, Bahati’s wife will present the program.

Diana was formally introduced as the show’s co-host at a red carpet ceremony attended by stars such Blessed Njugush, Eddie Butita, Sandra Dacha, Akuku Danger, and bands Bahati and Guardian Angel.
Speaking at the occasion, Bahati expressed some mild worries regarding his wife working alongside Dr. Ofweneke.
“Tafadhali mi sijakuja kukusupport, ata sijakuja kusupport launch. Nimekuja kukuona vile unakaribiana na bibi yangu. Hio distance shida hio,” Bahati told Dr Ofweneke.
Ofweneke promised Bahati, however, that he would treat Diana Marua with the utmost professionalism and that he would “return” her after the reality show’s 14th episode had been filmed.
“Sifa zangu zinajulikana. I am a full man in every sense. Bro, I can promise you as my small brother your wife is safe. My in-law is safe. After 14 episodes ntamrudisha,” Ofweneke said.
“Ntamletanga na kaa na yeye,” Bahati replied.

Bahati is a great example of the kind of husband that Ofweneke further lauded him for being in this generation.
“Thank you so much for handing her over to me I will take care of her and you have done an amazing job just being a husband and supporting and making sure that you put the vision and dream. You are an example of the men that we need to be in this generation,” Ofweneke told Bahati.
Dr. Ofweneke, who has been part of the show since the first season, expressed joy at the success of the previous episodes and promised to offer his best.

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