
“Nani amewaleta huku?” Ruto chases away journalists from his meeting

Deputy President William Ruto on Monday chased away journalists at his Nakuru meeting convened to strategies on his presidential bid ahead of polls.

kenyas deputy president william ruto speaks hague (1)

The DP was in the company of his running mate Rigathi Gachagua, Speaker Justin Muturi, Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika and a host of local leaders.

While addressing the media, the DP was seemingly shocked to learn journalists were present at the meeting.

He stopped his speech and ordered his security details to remove all journalists to allow them to address what he termed as “important matters”.

“…Why do we have media houses here? Nani aliwaleta hapa (Who brought them in?). Nyinyi watu tokeni kwanza bwana ndio tuongee mambo ya maana (Can you leave so that we can discuss important issues),” Ruto directed.

Ruto was speaking in the Kenana area of the Njoro Sub County where he was holed up in a closed-door meeting with elders and community leaders

In his speech, Ruto had assured the Kikuyu Community living in the larger Molo area of peace.

Before kicking out the media, the DP said there will be peace before, during and after the August 9 General Elections.

Ruto told the residents that there his alliance was committed to peace.

The larger Molo which has since been split into four constituencies has been the epicentre of Electoral violence since 1992.

It has been split into Njoro, Molo, Kuresoi North and Kuresoi South.

Besides the election violence, the areas have also been affected by inter-ethnic conflicts putting four communities for more than three decades and they fight over water, land and pasture.

Ruto used the occasion to condemn the injustices meted out on his team by their opponents.

Citing Sunday’s incident during their rally at Jacaranda grounds in Nairobi, the DP said the violence was the machinations of Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance

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