Healthy relationships aren’t just about avoiding the wrong kind of person or finding the right kind of person. Healthy relationships are a two-way street.
Two people, each becoming the best they can be for themselves, and for one another.
According to relationship therapists, you are the only one responsible for the kind of person you date.
Group photo of beautiful women. Photo/courtesy
Having said that, Here are the top women you should never date in Kenya
1. The Gold Digger
She loves your car, she loves your career, and she loves your cash.But does she really like you?
You’ll recognize this one quickly, because she’ll take all she can get from you, and give very little back in return.She’s looking for security more than she’s looking for a significant relationship.Say bye-bye before your cash runs out.
2. The drama queen
Drama with her momma, drama with her best friend, drama with her boss at work. This woman is characterized by drama everywhere she goes. She always thinks she’s been wronged, and she tells you all about it. But the drama isn’t necessarily the dangerous part in this kind of woman.
(Just to be clear: A woman isn’t “dramatic” just because she’s emotional. Emotions are a healthy thing.) The problem is the underlying belief that it’s always everyone else’s fault. This woman is to be avoided because she doesn’t understand the meaning of taking ownership and responsibility of her life and relationships.
And trust me, that blame-game will quickly become a part of your relationship, too.
3. The needy one
She is a bottomless well of needs. Clingy is the word.
You must constantly reassure her of your love and that everything in the relationship is okay.
She wanted to get married from date three and believes you are her “soul mate.” If you miss her calls or fail to respond to texts instantly she gets a panic attack.
Forget about boys’ nights out, she simply cannot let you out of her sight, and on the off chance she does, your phone will be blowing up all evening.
This kind of woman will fish for compliments from you and is always spewing negative comments about herself.
4. The psycho
These women can be the most beautiful women in the planet, sometimes supermodel gorgeous and you even find yourself pinching yourself to prove you’re not dreaming… she is actually dating you!
Her beauty easily blinds you; she is a special kind of crazy! This girl will stalk your social media profiles, she will even find distant cousins that you never knew you even had.
She has anger outbursts, unpredictable moods, one minute she loves you and the next is biting your head off.
5. The One-Way-Street
This princess thinks that somehow, relationships are all-about-her.She may even wrongly believe this is a “biblical” approach to relationships.In other words- she expects you to do all the work, and to put in all the effort while she sits back and reaps the rewards.The sad part is that sometimes this mentality is wrongly perpetuated in some church circles, as the men are expected to be the “leaders” while the women are the “followers”.
That might work for some guys, but for others, this lack of reciprocity in a relationship eventually becomes draining.You need a woman who will pour into you, as much as you pour into her.Who will sharpen you, as you sharpen her.Who will challenge you to become better, while you do the same for her.Thebest relationshipsare made of two people- each giving their best to one another.
With that in mind, let’s all be mindful of the reality that relationships aren’t about finding perfection – we all know that doesn’t exist.But they are about finding imperfect people, who realize their flaws and weaknesses, and are working to become better and better with each and every passing day.