In the midst of an ongoing financial crisis at the university, Moi University has declared that it will be conducting a mass layoff exercise.
According to a notification from the university’s vice chancellor, Isaac Kosgey, the school has been having trouble paying its payroll bill and has had to eliminate several posts.
Prof. Kosgey outlined how the University’s efforts to recover from the financial crisis that has severely impacted operations include the staff rationalization exercise.
The university has regular expenses, such as the payroll bill, which accounts for around 70% of the budget, making it difficult to administer the institution, according to an internal memo made public on Monday, July 4.
Here’s the statement by the Vice Chancellor Pro. Isaac Kosgey:
“As you are aware, the University has been facing difficulties in meeting its wage bill obligations. Over the years. the University wage bill has been increasing, currently taking up over 70% of the Capitation from the Exchequer.
With the continued decline of revenues. the University is unable to 9U$btin the growing wage bill and, as such, it has become necessary to undertake right sizing of the human resource to ensure sustainability of the University and its operations.
Towards this end, the University is considering a reduction in staffing levels that will call for compulsory redundancies.
This is therefore to notify you of the impending redundancy of staff due to the continued strain by
the University to fully fund its wage bill, and to align the human resource to the existing workload,” statement reads.