
Kenya Power: How to update your prepaid meter tokens

Before August 31, all Kenyans utilizing prepaid meter tokens need to update their gadgets, according to Kenya Power.

After the deadline, all prepaid meters that have not been updated by then will no longer accept tokens.

On Wednesday, Joseph Siror, the managing director of Kenya Power, disclosed the process by which Kenyans utilizing prepaid tokens will update their meter tokens.

“Customers will receive two codes from Kenya Power when they purchase tokens. They will be required to key the codes to their meter following the steps indicated in the SMS before loading the new token,” Siror said.

“In other instances, the Company will send the codes directly to the customers who haven’t purchased tokens to notify them to update their meters. The process is simple and free.”

Customers are required to ensure all previously purchased tokens are loaded to their meters before keying in the reset and update codes.

The update will not impact existing tokens that are already loaded into the meter.

The update targets 7.4 million prepaid meters. The Prepaid meter update exercise is free of charge.

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