In light of the pregnancy Tsunami that has been sweeping around Kenyan celebrities, Kelvin Kinuthia has finally made a shocking announcement that he is currently expecting his first child.
The news came as a surprise to many of the content creator’s followers who could not imagine Kinuthia being pregnant.
He announced the news on his Intagram account saying:
“Can’t wait❤️🤰🏽Am in tears.”

A few months ago, the tiktoker also revealed that he was pregnant after one of his followers commented asking if he is also pregnant, but later turned out to be a hoax.
He revealed this to Mungai Eve in an interview where he also added that he does not plan to have kids any time soon. So there you have it, he is not pregnant and he does not plan to get pregnant.
In the interview the content creator also addressed the matter that his mother had made a comment on concerning Kinuthia settling down and having a family.
You see his mother said she wishes to see Kinuthia settling down and having a family of his own, but on the other hand Kinuthia said he is not in a rush to get married or having children, reason being he is still young and wants to enjoy life a little bit more before he can settle down.
The content creator revealed that he might settle down around nine or ten years from now.

Kinuthia has been full of controversy from the first time he got into the limelight.
The first time he hit the headlines was after a man from Kisumu accused him of swindling him around 300 000 Kenya shillings after he had sent the amount for the air ticket from Nairobi to Kisumu.
According to the man, he thought Kinuthia was a lady out of the photos and videos he had shared on Tiktok.
In a previous interview with Mungai Eve Kinuthia revealed that his mother is okay with his lifestyle and his cross-dressing, in particular, adding that she even buys him dresses whenever she is out doing shopping.
During the interview, Kinuthia went on to discuss his crossdressing ways. noting that at first he was scared to come out as a crossdresser, however, after a discussion with friends, they encouraged him to do what he has to do to get money as it will help him in the long run.
He went on to explain that he only crossdresses for his skits on the Internet only.
According to him the only other times he would crossdress in public is if he is dared or an interviewer requests him to come dressed in ladies’ clothing. He noted that most of the time he is just dressed normally.
Kinuthia added that fans should stop speculating about his dating life and his sexual orientation.
He noted that they should wait to be told when the time is right. Eve went on to ask him about how he bundles online bullies to which he noted that he just ignores their hate and moves on with his life.