
Karen Nyamu gifts Ngesh with money, promises to cover her studio fees

Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu has stepped in to help struggling musician Mary Ngesh after she appealed to Kenyans for assistance.

Ngesh discussed her difficulties, such as a lack of finances for studio expenses and a camera to produce appealing videos for her internet platforms.

Recognizing the power of appealing visual information, Ngesh believed that a camera would boost her artistic expression and broaden her artistic reach.

Karen Nyamu gifts Ngesh with money, promises to cover her studio fees
Karen Nyamu gifts Ngesh with money, promises to cover her studio fees

Despite her celebrity, Ngesh said that she had received no tangible advantages and had even performed in clubs for free merely to maintain her public presence.

Senator Nyamu, moved by Ngesh’s narrative, took note of her predicament and aggressively looked for her online.

Via Instagram, she expressed her intentions, stating:

“Ngesh should know that this Kanairo bebe is looking for her. This is the kind of talent we must not watch as it goes to waste. Ngeshtex is a girl of forms, and Karenzo is a lawyer of collaborations; it will be powerful.”

Senator Nyamu successfully located the singer and invited her to her office.

Ngesh confirmed that the politician had provided her with a substantial amount of money.

Additionally, Nyamu pledged to cover her studio fees, enabling Ngesh to pursue her musical dreams.

“Nyamu has given me a generous amount of money. She has also promised to buy me a camera and pay for my studio fees,” Ngesh told a media outlet.

Karen Nyamu gifts Ngesh with money, promises to cover her studio fees
Karen Nyamu gifts Ngesh with money, promises to cover her studio fees

Sharing her excitement on Instagram, the politician described Ngesh as a talented singer.

She wrote:

“It was so good to meet NGESH yesterday! You’re very talented and you’re a superstar! I’m so honored to fund your first solo project audios and videos 100% na camera tifi ya kutesa hapa internet.”

Karen Nyamu gifts Ngesh with money, promises to cover her studio fees
Karen Nyamu gifts Ngesh with money, promises to cover her studio fees

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