
Kalonzo, Gideon Moi threaten to Leave Raila’s Azimio

Another storm is gathering in the Azimio One Kenya Alliance after a faction of the group wrote to the Registrar of Parties, requesting that the coalition’s registration be immediately halted.

The One Kenya Alliance wing, which includes Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper Party, Cyrus Jirongo’s United Democratic Party, and Senator Gideon Moi’s KANU, is attempting to block the registration process until certain issues are resolved.

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The problem of the running mate is one of the three issues that the OKA team wants addressed. According to sources, they believe there are intentions to shortchange them.

“Our objection is premised on fact that three (3) issues have not been agreed upon and are to be deliberated and agreed upon before the Agreement is fully registered,” OKA said.

The OKA team claims that Kalonzo has exclusive rights to the running mate position, and they are now concerned that they may lose it if the existing arrangements continue.

The OKA team also claims that a new coalition agreement has been filed with the Registrar of Parties, which they believe may imperil their interests in the organization.

At the same time, OKA claims that the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance is the result of collaboration amongst three major parties: ODM, Jubilee, and Wiper.

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Kalonzo hosted Uhuru, Gideon Moi for private chat

They say that the coalition’s adoption of a fourth pillar means that the previous agreement has been abandoned, putting their interests at danger.

This comes just a week after members of the Azimio’s fringe parties threatened to walk out if their issues were not addressed.

The inclusion of the fourth pillar in the alliance is one of the points made by the eight parties, which the OKA team has now objected to.

If their issues are not addressed, the team has vowed to leave the Azimio.

Their cries prompted ODM leader Raila Odinga to call an emergency meeting, which reportedly resolved their problems.

According to sources, the 8 parties could have been incorporated as the alliance’s fourth pillar, and the initial coalition agreement was changed to allow the revisions, despite OKA’s requests.

Kalonzo stated on Saturday that he will be content with any position or job he is assigned in the Azimio.

“I want my brother Raila to know, whatever formation they will come up with, whatever political formations this is the time for Raila Odinga to be the president of Kenya.

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