Langata MP aspirant and Comedian Felix Odiwuor aka Jalango has announced 100K reward for information leading to the arrest of his missing employees who allegedly stole money from the car they were washing at his home, and disappeared.
In his earlier post, the distressed politician, put up a post of missing persons which left his fans wondering what had happened to them.
“MISSING PERSONS!! Urgently looking for Morrison Litiema and Eli Khumundu! If you see them call 0722915337!
Report at the nearest police station!”
Report at the nearest police station!”
This made Jalas to share another updated post giving more details about his two employees who had disappeared with his money.
“Eli and Litiema are on the run, this morning they stole money from the car they were washing at home , their phones are off and they are running with their families. If you see them please contact 0722915337 or report at the nearest police station.”
“A reward of 100k for any information leading to their arrest.” he announced.
It is not disclosed how much she has lost, but looking at the reward, it suggests that the boys might have gone with millions.