‘Kindly advise me. I got a D- in the just released KCSE results and I am in a dilemma about which course to pursue with my grade.” This is an email we got recently.
Are you in the same position as this reader? Did you not perform as well as the others and are now wondering where to go next.

Compared to the previous years, a majority of students did not manage to achieve the cut off points required to joining university. The question now remains; what’s next?
Yes you never managed to get the required grade to go to university. Does this mean that it’s the end for you?
Courses you can pursue to get a head in life like the A materials
Exams will always be there. We cannot all get As and Bs. This year in particular a good number of students will not be joining the university according to the government. This means they have to look for an alternative way to still get ahead in life.
Online courses offer a wide variety of marketable certificate and diploma courses for individuals.
Listed are the top courses you can still do if you still want to continue with your education.
1. Hospitality courses
There is no shame in starting at the bottom. Your dream was to pursue a degree but that dream seems far fetched now as you look at those results.
A lot of hospitality courses don’t require you to have the golden grades all people want to achieve. You can start with a certificate. Some certificate courses can take you less than a year to complete and then you are on your way to a diploma.
2. Foreign language courses
Foreign languages have picked up over the last couple of years in Kenya. Nowadays you can learn any foreign language from French, Germany and Chinese among others.
Go for it. Become a foreign language expert and who knows one day you might be called in to act as a translator.
3. Administration related courses
A secretarial course for instance can take you far even if you didn’t manage a university education. So many colleges offer administration courses.
Instead of giving up because you didn’t manage to perform well, try any administration course.
4. IT related courses
The world we are living in is being transformed everyday by technology. Soon IT experts will become the hot cakes of the employment industry.
Many industries like media and banking have already embraced technology. Think about mobile banking and ATMs and how slowly they are slowly replacing the traditional teller in the banking hall.
So just because you won’t be joining the university this year doesn’t mean you can’t still turn your life around. Someone said that opportunities are always there; you just have to know where to look.
5. Hair and Beauty College
Do you know how much these professionals earn? Well it’s a lot compared to how people perceive these courses.
Joining a hair and beauty college and become a beauty guru. Soon you can even run your own business or become a consultant in matters to do with hair and beauty.
Just because you didn’t manage to get a C+ and above in your KCSE doesn’t mean that you are a failure. It only means that there are other opportunities you can pursue.
Take control of your life and stop with the pity game. So what if you didn’t get an A. You can still get make 2017 a great success by pursuing these course to get ahead in life that those A materials will look up to you in future.