The Entertainment industry has been blessed this year. It has been baby after baby! This month alone, we have seen Nadia Mukami and Aggie the Dance Queen receiving their bundle of joy. We are awaiting The Wajesus’ second child and The Tokodis’.
Guess who has joined this league!
Former Crossover’s Mc. Price and his wife mode Diana Chacha have revealed that they are pregnant. The couple shared the good news via Diana’s YouTube channel, where they shared their cute baby bump pictures.

In a separate interview with SPM Buzz, the vibrant couple opened up about their journey.
Diana claimed that she is a little scared because she has never taken care of a child as she is the lastborn in her family.
“Its scary, I don’t know what to expect,” she opened up, adding, “Mi sijawai lea mtoi. Mi ni lastborn kwetu. So I don’t know how the experience is gonna go.”
On his side, Mc Price claimed that has a little experience, but he was scared because times have changed.
“Unajua time yetu tulikuwa tunafunga napkins, siku hizi ni pampers. There is always something new to learn and babies are different,” he said.
Nonetheless, the couple is enjoying every bit of their journey. Mc. Price claimed that his wife is handling the pregnancy better than he had expected. He said Diana was still lively despite the pregnancy challenges, making it easy for him to understand her well.
Diana revealed that her pregnancy had caused her to take a small break from social media. She claimed that she was always too tired to post, and they were planning to reveal their pregnancy after the child is born
Interestingly, the couple has differing views regarding whether they will open social media accounts for their children, as it has been the trend with other celebrities. Mc Price is a bit hesitant, while Diana insists that the child must be on social media to make its own money.
“Lazima aanze kujitafutia fee na mapema,” explained Diana.
The couple tied the not last year after dating for sometime.
We, the Mkenya Leo team, congratulate them and wish them the very best.