
Business Jimal Roho Safi Hospitalized Over Unknown Illness 

The week has not started well for flamboyant businessman Jimal Roho Safi.

Early this morning, Jimal too to his Instagram page to announce that he had fallen ill and had been hospitalized.

In his post, Jimal exclaimed how he hates hospitals. He claimed he fell ill seconds after leaving office, revealing to his followers that he works on weekends.

He also posted an emotional-filed picture of him lying on a hospital bed with a drip on his hand.

The post read, “I hate hospitals. Just a second after leaving the office, I felt out of place,”

He is, however, yet to reveal what is ailing him and from which hospital he has been hospitalized.

His fans came out in large numbers to wish him a quick recovery.

Jimal has fallen sick a day after he posted a controversial post, which fans understood aimed at attacking his ex-wife (second wife) socialite, Amber Ray.

On Sunday, Jimal posted a picture of himself flaunting his white range rover, with a caption saying,

“Dear ladies, work hard such that when you’ll be in need of pizza, you’ll open your wallet, not your legs.”

The caption received a lot of mixed reactions, with a section of his followers agreeing with its message while the majority alluding that he was attacking Amber for dumbing him and moving on very fast with a better and richer man.

Mkenya Leo compiled interesting comments to this post.

Luxe.collections_kenya wrote, “Shots fired. Jimal will not be replaced in silence.”

leila.hassan said, “oh rather close their legs to married men.”

Jimal’s relationship status became controversial after tea master, Edgar Obare revealed that he was cheating on his first wife, Amira, with Amber. What followed was a series of dramas between Amber and Amira until the former decided to surrender.

After breaking up with Amber, Jimal apologized to Amira in public, wanting her to take him back.

While Jimal could be reminiscing about losing two women, Mkenya Leo wishes him a quick recovery.

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