
Mtafika bei? Arnelisa Muigai now selling her Instagram account for Ksh65 million

Arnelisa Muigai, the heiress of Keroche Breweries, has unveiled a new rate card for advertisers, offering access to her one million social media followers and thousands of offline fans.

The 2024 rates are detailed on her Instagram stories.

“Arnelisa social media metrics. For 1 post on the main page 6000 USD for 3 weeks (Translates to Ksh789,,000). Post stories 24hrs 600USD (Translates to Ksh78,900). Post stories 12 hrs 300USD (Translates Ksh39,450),” Arnelisa shared.

Arnelisa Muigai now selling her Instagram account for Ksh65 million
Arnelisa Muigai now selling her Instagram account for Ksh65 million

In another subscription, for any client who would like a mention on her page under her picture, Arnelisa will be charging 1000USD per mention which is equivalent to Ksh131,500.

In the value of her being an ambassador for a brand, Arnelisa will be charging a whopping 100,000 USD for 3 months.

Arnelisa also added that she will not accept any brand which includes nudity.

Arnelisa Muigai now selling her Instagram account for Ksh65 million
Arnelisa Muigai now selling her Instagram account for Ksh65 million

For any appearance for at least 3 hours, she will charge 15,000 USD, which is equivalent to Ksh197,2500.

In the top tier hybrid subscription, clients who would like to purchase her page with 1 million followers, will be required to part with 500,000 USD (Ksh66M).

Finally, clients were given the option of receiving assistance in aligning their organization to a circular economy.

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