YouTuber Maureen Waititu has discussed her difficulties raising her children alone. The YouTuber and personal trainer Frankie Kiarie have two boys together.

A few years back, Maureen and Frankie got into a contentious argument and vented their frustrations online.
Maureen recently shared on her social media about her challenges as a single parent. A content creator named Just Ivy asked a question that led to the discovery of this.

While celebrating her daughter’s kindergarten graduation, Just Ivy asked other parents how they had made it through the school year.
“CBC parents how are you after paying fees four times this year?” Ivy wrote sharing the video of her little ones’ graduation.
Maureen responded to the query by describing how she overcame her nervousness.
“Congratulations mama! I look back and can’t believe that I did 8 terms with two kids. God’s grace is sufficient-He provides. We powered through the anxiety and we made it.”
The quote by A.Mclelland reads, “I’m not ignoring you, I’m overwhelmed.
I wake up. Someone needs me. I go to work. Someone needs me. I get home. Someone needs me. There are dishes in the sink. Clothes in the dryer for the third time. Baths are to be taken.
Toys need to be picked up. People to be fed. I feel like with each passing year, I almost have less and less free time, but yet I work more. I’m not ignoring you. I’m breathing.
Trying to find peace and quiet in this overthinking mind. I’m trying to catch up on housework. Trying to be a good mom. Trying to make sure everyone around me is taken care of. I’m not ignoring you. I’m exhausted.”
Frankie looks to be a good father to his two children with Corazon, thus the comment has drawn a lot of attention.
Despite his hints that he and Maureen were conversing briefly, Frankie said in July of this year that he had not seen his sons with Maureen for two years in a row since he severed his relationship with her following their public breakup.

This raised concerns about Frankie’s possible deadbeat status. But on Father’s Day earlier this year, Maureen commended Frankie for being a good father.
“Best Father’s Day Wishes from a daughter, an auntie, and a mother to all fathers, father figures, fathers to be, and everyone who has stepped up to be a father in one way or another,” she wrote.
Images of her father posing with her mother, her brother posing with her nephew, and her baby daddy posing with their kids were all included with the message and one of one.