A suspected bhang seller, Patrick Mukami Msavi, who is accused of beating up five police officers before robbing them of a Jericho Pistol, handcuffs, cash and a mobile phone has been charged at a Kibera law court.
Patrick Mukami Msavi alias Pato was charged with robbery with violence.
He is said to have assaulted police constables John Mutegi, Benard Maina, Aaron Muema, Jack Oboo and Daniel Mbugua on April 13, 2022 in the Mashimoni area in Kibra Sub-county within Nairobi county jointly with others who are still at large.
He denied the charges before Kibera senior Principal magistrate Esther Boke.
The court heard that the accused person with others not before the court was armed with wooden sticks and stones.
The officers visited the Mashimoni area after they were informed that some people were selling bhang in the area.
The accused after denying the charges pleaded for lenient bond terms.
He was released on a Sh300,000 bond with the surety of the same amount.
The case will be mentioned later this month for further directions.
oke directed that the accused person be supplied with all the witness statements and documentary pieces of evidence that the prosecution intends to rely on during the entire trial.