Gospel musician and presidential candidate Reuben Kigame has lashed out at the new president William Ruto for what he termed as being “over-religious.”
During his reign as a Deputy President and campaigns, Ruto has been leaning toward churches, at one point saying that he was investing in Heaven.
Here’s his statement on his Twitter account:
“I know I will be bashed but I need to be truthful and accountable to the nation. I think the Ruto administration is overdoing religion. While we acknowledge the hand of God in bringing us this far, presidency must observe Article 27 of the constitution.
During the inauguration, the evangelical wing of the church was overrepresented. this was unnecessary. I do not know what the transition committee intended to prove to Kenya and the watching world.
I am a committed Christian who believes in prayer and believe God has helped us this far and Will continue to trust Him for the future of Kenya, but I hope that issues such as lowering food prices will not be met with State house saying, “let’s pray about it.
I strongly believe that the church should play A neutral, prophetic, balanced and truthful role in order to provide a true spiritual direction for the country. it should congratulate the king but also be prepared to tell the king that he is naked should he be.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone exercising their faith. I just think that it should not be overdone. The German Church missed the mark in Hitler’s day. some German Christians that time even supported his hatred for and extermination of the Jews. Terrible memory.”