Investigations into an incident involving a male Class Eight student from Nyamninia Primary School in Yala who was allegedly attacked by instructors for not receiving 400 on internal examinations have begun by police in Siaya County.
The student left the boarding school because of bullying. Since then, a video of the kid in tears has gone popular on social media.
The student, who was in tears, claimed that two instructors at Nyamninia Primary School hit him because of what they perceived to be inadequate performance while displaying cane marks on his back, legs, and thighs.
Anam Odongo, chief of Yala Township, acknowledged the occurrence and stated that an investigation had been started.
“We’ve reached the school for comment, and sooner or later we’ll get clearer details on what exactly happened,” Odongo told The Standard.
The pupil said he was contemplating seeking transfer or staying at home after being assaulted at Nyamninia Primary School.
“If it’s a must that I score 400 marks in exams to avoid being subjected to torture, the