
9 Counties to be hit by power outage today, according to Kenya Power

The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited (Kenya Power) has listed areas in nine counties scheduled for power interruption on Wednesday.

A public notice dispatched Tuesday evening said the interruptions would be effected for eight hours between 9am and 5pm.

The planned power interruptions are done periodically to facilitate system maintenance.

Notices are issued in advance to afford customers sufficient time to plan their day’s activities on time.

Parts of West Pokot, Kisumu, Migori, Nyamira, Nyeri, Laikipia, Kiambu, Kitui and Mombasa will be affected during Wednesday’s planned outage.

West Pokot

Areas to be affected include parts of Sakas, Murpus, Chewoiyet, Kamuino, Talau, Chepkoti, Sirikwa Safaris, Murkwijit, Karaus, Namanjalala, Kesogon and adjacent customers.


Areas in Kisumu to be affected are Boya Water, Katolo, PS Nalo, Masara, Masogo, Ombeyi and adjacent customers.


Parts of Migori Town, Oruba, Nyikendo, Magina, Aroso, Ombo Mission Hosp, Huduma Center, Migori Referral Hospital, Life Care Hospital, Oasis, Aga Khan, Salah and adjacent customers will be affected.


Parts of Nyamira to be affected include Ikonge Market and Secondary, Ekerenyo Market, Kebabe Girls Secondary, Obwari, Nyamusi Market and Dispensary, Gekendo Secondary, Mabariri Market and adjacent customers.


Areas to be affected in Nyeri include Kanyama Junction, Kiamaina, Unjiru, Kiawarigi, Ichuga, Gathumbi, Kaanjata, Kiangurwe Primary, Karingaini, Gachuiro, Gathuini, Highlands, General China, Itiati, Kianjuguma, Kihuri, Gikore, Gitunduti and adjacent customers.


Laikipia will see customers around Gathiru Ammunition Depot, Ngarariga, Mirera, Buens Luger, Toll Station, Huku, Tigers and Ichuga CCM, Equator Girls, Nabosa, St. Teresa Catholic and Nanyuki Boarding go without power for the period listed.


Parts of Kiambu to be affected by the power interruption include Zetech University, Rainbow Hotel, Wholesale Rainbow, Waki, Agape, Mijicare, Part of Kihunguro, Mark Hotel, Bederin Hotel and Mijicare.


In Kitui, customers to be affected are those around Ikuuni, Waita, Kamuongo, Gaai, Kanduiwa, Kyuso, Katse, Kimangao, Ciampiu, Kora, Mivukoni, Tseikuru, Kaningo, Usueni, Kamisiliu, Mikauni, Ngungani Markets, Kiambere Water Supply and Wikithuki.


In Mombasa, areas to be affected are Shell Petrol Station Nyali, Moyne Drive, Green Wood Drive, Nyali Police, Nyali Beach Hotel, Voyeger Hotel, Mombasa Beach, English Point Hotel, Showground, Mkomani and adjacent customers.


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