
6 Top Mt. Kenya Tycoons Who Have A Say in Kenyan Politics

Well-oiled business moguls with billions and international ties have been at the forefront of decide who or not becomes the next president of Kenya, with most of them funding presidential election campaigns for top candidates.

Here is a list of tycoons who are actively campaigning for their candidates of choice:

Dr. Peter Munga

Peter Munga, the Equity Group’s former Chairman, leaves the stage having made history in Kenya’s business world. He is the founder of the Equity Bank, with a stake in the bank valued at over a billion shillings. His other stock market holdings, including Britam and other enterprises, are worth billions of shillings.

Besides serving as the chairman of Equity Bank, for which he was paid Ksh50 million as a send-off package after his retirement in 2018, Munga made his wealth through his other company Plum LLP which had shares at Britam.

In 2018, he sold the 13 per cent stock he owned at Britam which culminated to Ksh4.7 billion.

Samuel Kamau Macharia (S. K. Macharia)

SK Macharia owns Citizen TV Kenya which is Kenya’s largest television and radio company network.

Samuel Kamau Macharia created Royal Media Services in 1977.

Viusasa, iNooro TV, Radio Citizen, Inooro FM, Chamge FM, Ramogi FM, Egesa FM, Mulembe FM, and others are some of Royal Media’s other media brands.

Other companies where he has interests

  • Directline Insurance
  • Serenity Media Productions Ltd.
  • Big Five Conservancy.
  • Bushfire Media Distributors.
  • Toi Redevelopment.
  • Harbour Capital Ltd.

Maina Wanderere

He is Kenyan businessman and owner of Wanderjoy World Party.

This company has been contracted manage most of the Presidential Functions and some state functions since Uhuru came to power.

The famous company that has been consistently charged with the task of preparing state functions including Madaraka day, Jamhuri day and Mashujaa among others.

The company is currently worth billions after winning various tenders in East and Central Africa. Maina Wandere is listed among secretive billionaires who run various projects including companies.

Andrew Ngirici

Andrew Ngirici is a Kirinyaga businessman, and husband to Kirinyaga Woman Representative Purity Ngirici.

Reports confirm that he owns Mt Kenya TV through Slopes Media Company as of 2021.

In 2020 and 2021, the media house was accused of not paying up its staff journalists. This made many anchors, reporters, and producers to publicly quit the station.

Peter Kenneth

Peter Kenneth is a well-known political figure. He was born in Nairobi, Kenya, on November 27, 1965. Peter is a Kenyan politician who was first elected to Parliament in 2002.

He worked in the business sector before entering politics, serving as chairman of the Kenya Football Federation and director of the Industrial Development Bank.

Peter Kenneth’s net worth is estimated to be in the range of $1 million to $5 million dollars. From his major profession as a politician, he has amassed a substantial fortune.

Jimmy Wanjigi

By his own admission, Wanjigi propped Uhuru to power in 2013 and the decision to have Uhuru vie on a TNA party ticket was made in his home.

After Uhuru’s first term, Wanjigi switched sides and supported Raila Odinga, actively joining his campaigns.

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